Rev. Sandy Sakarapanee
(Article & headshot of Sandy from the Belmont UMC online Reporter)
Rev. Vasna (Sandy) Sakarapanee was born into a strong Christian family in Thailand. She was active in church work from her childhood. In high school she was elected president of the Student Christian Movement of Thailand.
"One day in 1989, the Lord called me back to be his servant," she said. "I felt the need to go back to church." For the next ten years she helped Laotians adjust to American life, find jobs, and learn about the Christian faith.
In February 2004, Pastor Sandy began her Golden Triangle ministry at Belmont United Methodist Church with five Laotians, two of whom were children. In the months that followed she became immersed in the lives of Burmese refugees who began pouring into the United States. These persons had fled for their lives into the jungles and refugee camps when their homes and villages were being burned by agents of the military regime. She has worked diligently to train church leaders to assist in children’s Sunday school classes and to serve as shepherds in each of the five apartment complexes in which they live. Triangle UMW circle was organized last year and has grown from 13 to 43 this year. A Methodist Men’s group with 40 enrolled was organized recently. A youth group has just had its first meeting. All this led by Golden Triangle members.
You can send Sandy an Agape Note to:
Belmont UMC
2007 Acklen Ave.
Nashville, TN 37212

Children of the Golden Triangle Fellowship... Love with flesh, blood, energy, gifts and lots of joy!